
 It's time to take a new look at
"What's Good for West Point".

My Mission Statement:

To lead the city of West Point to become a "destination of choice" with the amenities to attract individuals and families to live here as well as to attract businesses and industry to locate here. My platform includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Transparency in Governance
  • Education - Pre K through Post-Secondary
  • Diversification of West Point's Industrial Base
  • Economic Development
    • Workforce
    • Residential
    • Retail
  • Community Development
    • Recreation
    • Youth Services/Activities
  • City Services
    • Law Enforcement
    • Emergency Services
    • Infrastructure
    • Utilities
    • Beautification
  • Access to Opportunities for Every Citizen


My vision includes access to city leaders, access to information, and the opportunity to have dialogue with decision makers. As your council member, I will be available for Town Hall meetings in order to remain abreast of issues and concerns of the citizens of West Point.


My vision includes continuing to improve our school system with an ultimate goal of making every school in the Troup County System a high performing school, providing equal opportunity for all children regardless to which area of the county they reside.  I will work hard to, once again, have a West Point High School.  I have a plan for how we can accomplish this goal without taking on the debt of a city school system again.

History has taught us about the vulnerability of having “all of our eggs in one basket”.  The textile industry was our mainstay for more than a century.  We were devastated when it ceased to be.  We are grateful for our new found success in automotive manufacturing, however, we still have “all of our eggs in one basket”.  Diversification of jobs offered in this area will attract the families we need to strategically grow and develop our community.


I will address economic and workforce development to attract more industry, retail development and residential development to attract families to choose West Point as their home.  We must have the amenities to attract people to live, work, play, raise a family and start and grow a business in West Point, GA.

My vision for workforce development is to maximize the output of THINC Academy and West GA Technical College to address the growing talent needs of corporations in West Point and the surrounding area. 
I will continue to be engaged with the Youth Apprenticeship Pipeline Initiative.

I will continue to be involved with efforts to develop our Workforce by participating in the Workforce Development partnership between West Point, LaGrange and Hogansville with Avalanche Consulting which is being led by the LaGrange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce.

Residential Development and Retail Development programs are currently ongoing.  I will work to accelerate this development in order to seize West Point’s share of the opportunity for the projected 30% growth in Troup County between now and 2025.


West Point expended time and financial resources on Community Development about 10 years ago.  Most of the plans never came to fruition.  I will review the existing plans and engage the community in planning next steps.  The homes that were demolished on the East side of the City was the first step in the project.  Nothing has been done since.   The “affordable” housing and the parks and recreation facilities that were promised have not been delivered.  I will work to get Community Development back on the City’s agenda.

Recreation programs and facilities are needed for citizens of West Point, especially for our youth.   I will work with the Troup County Parks and Recreation Commission to address the inequities and lack of consistency in policies and procedures.

I am concerned about the long term, negative effects of poverty in our area.  We must address the high cost of utilities, employment opportunities, affordable housing, public health concerns and other barriers to a high quality of life.  We, as a community, are only as good as the least one of us in our community.

Thank you for visiting my web site!
Come back often!

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